Well this is correct, but only your main character selection order matter not the second and third party member so its half. Zehnoa lays traps in front of it to cover its face. I'm not sure how the 4th classes actually work, so they may give some additional branches. It usually combines repel with trap attacks to hold enemies down. Trials of Mana, known as Seiken Densetsu 3 in Japan, came out in 1995, but the original didnt see a Western release until last years Collection of Mana. Of those you can only choose 3 on a gameplay (ie. Note that their class changes affects gameplay, so if class changes are included, the number of different class permutations is 24*20*16 = 7,680, but this is if only the 3rd classes are considered. In this game you have 6 different characters: Angela, Charlotte, Duran, Hawkeye, Kevin and Riezs.

The order of selection doesn't matter gameplay-wise after you beat Full Metal Hagger, but the order of selection changes the storyline and character interactions, so I'd say the order matters, and the number of possible parties is 6P3 = 6*5*4 = 120. And as Shuichi said, I don't want to even get started on the amount of possible parties if we take their different classes into consideration. If not, then there is 6C3 = 20 possible parties. And i found it kind of tricky since you only can use a character once but it has 2 classes. Each party maximizes its synergy including most of the roles available at the same time (physical attacker, magical attacker, healer, tank, support, etc) minimizing overlaps (eg. Amount of possible party Combinations So i tried to figure out how many party combinations there are IF you only use the tier 4 classes, which makes a total of 12 Classes (2 per Character). Originally posted by darth.crevette:Does the order of selection matter? Each character meets all other characters at least once.