- Dungeon defenders 2 hack 2017 update#
- Dungeon defenders 2 hack 2017 Patch#
- Dungeon defenders 2 hack 2017 upgrade#
Added thicker outline to pumpkin skeleton on a treadmill Disabled Wheel of Fortuna ability on wandering heart Did more collision work on valentines to prevent stuck mobs Fixed Lover's Paradise top bridge not blocking the building camera Fixed Wandering Heart achievement not being awarded on map completion Fixed Cupids boss dying instantly on Wandering Heart if the boss countdown is skipped

Reverted Kraken and Genie melee range change to void instanced of melee hitting while doing no damage Fixed bug which caused split-screen to be forcibly hidden every time a cutscene plays

Dungeon defenders 2 hack 2017 Patch#
Small patch to address some issues in the recent 9.1.0 patch. Removed duplicate TI trophy on the tavern Fixed issue with workshop maps that forced difficulty defaulting to easy Fixed slippery core and projectiles on Spring Valley Clamped tower range to max projectile distance, also made towers not target enemies that ignored tower damage Tentatively fixed an issue where a phoenix spawns when going into build phase on the Flames of Rebirth challenge Fixed custom chest drops not always dropping Swapped back Eye Patch to old archetype with coloring Fixed Lover's Paradise achievement typo

Made Boss Mech Gentleman force untargetable targets Made Boss Mech Gentleman target priority have towers at -1 Made Boss Mech Gentleman take tower damage Added killzone under forge to kill stuck mobs Made the ceiling collision prevent the building camera from going up Moved hay stacks down on the wall to let minions be built there again Added a hanging shelf on top of the entrance closes to spawn Moved all windows on main building a bit up Added a box inside the opening closest to spawn to prevent the building camera to go inside the wall Moved killzone so third kraken cant be killed with it Moved west flight nodes closer to the map to avoid the volume djinns were getting stuck on Made bow of hearts unable to damage enemy cores
Dungeon defenders 2 hack 2017 upgrade#
Made supreme and under eyes get more damage per upgrade You can now trigger having tables on the empty center on the second floor of the tavern on the new Bucket and Mop on the basement You can now have 240 items on your tavern floor The tavern's item recovery should not affect items inside the tavern anymore

Added some new tables on the third floor of the tavern Added accomplishment and trophies on the tavern for Arcane Lib, Dread Dungeon, Emerald City, Flames of Rebirth, Pirate Invasion, Spring Valley and Temple of Polybius, all on Nightmare only
Dungeon defenders 2 hack 2017 update#
Dungeon Defenders Penny Arcade Costume Packĭungeon Defenders: The Great Turkey Hunt! Mission & Costumesĭungeon Defenders - Warping Core Challenge Mission Packĭungeon Defenders - Etherian Holiday Extravaganzaĭungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 1ĭungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 2ĭungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 3ĭungeon Defenders - Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 4ĭungeon Defenders: Etherian Festival of Loveĭungeon Defenders - President's Day Surpriseĭungeon Defenders Lucky Community Costume Packĭungeon Defenders - Karathiki Jungle Mission Packĭungeon Defenders - City in the Cliffs Mission Packĭungeon Defenders - Talay Mining Complex Mission PackĪ small hotfix update to fix some things in the 9.1.1 and 9.1.0 releases along with some balance changes.